Recently, got two packets of green teas from Gopaldhara Tea Estate ad Rohini Tea Estate. The tea estate, under the expertise and foresightedness of Mr. Shiv Saria, has been reputed to produce the best of teas and the rarer ones, thus contributing to the popularity of Darjeeling Tea in the global market. The most popular among the tea lovers of Darjeeling Tea Boutique, from this garden happens to be the Silver needles white tea and the widely popular and still in demand green tea, famed for its very slight hint of fruitiness.(This green tea has just got out of stock) This pearl tea got from Gopaldhara intrigued me at first. Unevenly rounded, brownish balls, the size of marbles, oblate spheroid (recalling some terms learnt years back) justifiably jarring to a person whose has had a cupboard full of the just exhausted Pearl Teas from Avongrove T. E. The aromas were appealing though and I brewed the pearls, three to be precise, in a cup full of water for four full minutes. Amazing...