Arrival of Fresh Darjeeling Loose leaf Teas

Good News for Muscatel Lovers and Darjeeling Tea Lovers

Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea

This is the Best First Flush Tea of 2012 Available at Darjeeling Tea Boutique and a rare one since it is the first produce of the First Flush Season. DJ1

Grade: DJ-1

Description: Coppery with scattered green coloration smelling typically of First Flush’s first production..

Smell: Distinct First flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma; very slight bittery end, touching the notes on the tip.Refreshing.

Liqour: A very light coppery liquor got from a 3 & ½ min. steeping t around 95 degrees centigrade. Second Good second infusion got from the same brewing coordinates. The Third infusion too was satisfactory which was got from same water temperature but with a steeping time of 6 minutes.

The Infused Leaves of Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea DJ1

The Liquor of Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea DJ1

This limited produce is available at

Darjeeling Teas could also be alternatively viewed and bought via our Facebook link

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