Arrival of Darjeeling Tea Second Flush 2012

Darjeeling Tea Second Flush 2012 - Available from Today

The long and patient wait for Second Flush 2012 from Darjeeling is over with the cataloguing of two Fresh Second Flush from Avongrove Tea Estate.

Avongrove MUSCATEL 2012

Grade: Muscatel

Description: Crispy coppery whole leaves with hints of  copper green and silvering. Aromatic, a typical Muscatel of this season.

Smell: Distinct Second flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma. Refreshing.

Liqour: A fading dark liqour got from a 4 min. steeping typical of this teas from the Queen of hill station. It holds the characteristic fragrance even after brewing, and is complimented by an equally more ambrosia like muscatel taste, which is perfect for as a breakfast tea, or as an afternoon tea, to rejuvenate the tired cells.
Simply Muscatel.

Avongrove FTGFOP (China) 2012

Grade: FTGFOP China

Description: Coppery silvery brownish leaves with a hint of green.

Smell: Distinct second flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma. Refreshing. Perfect for an afternoon tea.

Liqour: A bit dark orangy liqour got from a 4 min. steeping. It holds the characteristic light fragrance even after brewing, and is complimented by an equally more ambrosia like muscatel taste, which is perfect for as a breakfast tea, or as an afternoon tea, to rejuvenate the tired cells

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