
Arrival of Fresh Darjeeling Loose leaf Teas

Good News for Muscatel Lovers and Darjeeling Tea Lovers Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea This is the Best First Flush Tea of 2012 Available at Darjeeling Tea Boutique and a rare one since it is the first produce of the First Flush Season. DJ1 Grade : DJ-1 Description : Coppery with scattered green coloration smelling typically of First Flush’s first production.. Smell : Distinct First flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling ’s unique aroma; very slight bittery end, touching the notes on the tip.Refreshing. Liqour : A very light coppery liquor got from a 3 & ½ min. steeping t around 95 degrees centigrade. Second Good second infusion got from the same brewing coordinates. The Third infusion too was satisfactory which was got from same water temperature but with a steeping time of 6 minutes. The Infused Leaves of Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea DJ1 The Liquor of Dooteriah First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Tea DJ1 ...

Arrival of Darjeeling Tea Second Flush 2012

Darjeeling Tea Second Flush 2012 - Available from Today The long and patient wait for Second Flush 2012 from Darjeeling is over with the cataloguing of two Fresh Second Flush from Avongrove Tea Estate. Avongrove MUSCATEL 2012 Grade: Muscatel Description: Crispy coppery whole leaves with hints of  copper green and silvering. Aromatic, a typical Muscatel of this season. Smell: Distinct Second flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma. Refreshing. Liqour: A fading dark liqour got from a 4 min. steeping typical of this teas from the Queen of hill station. It holds the characteristic fragrance even after brewing, and is complimented by an equally more ambrosia like muscatel taste, which is perfect for as a breakfast tea, or as an afternoon tea, to rejuvenate the tired cells. Simply Muscatel. Avongrove FTGFOP (China) 2012 Grade: FTGFOP China Description: Coppery silvery brownish leaves with a hint of gre...

Darjeeling Tea First Flush 2012 Badamtam

This Darjeeling First Flush Tea 2012 is now available at The details of the tea are mentioned below Description: Slender long crisp coppery leaves with greener twist and hints of silvering. Smell: Distinct First flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma got within the very first minute of steeping. Over all, very refreshing.  Liquor: A light coppery liquor got from a 4 minutes steeping typical of the Spring Teas from the Queen of hill stations. The leaves unfold releasing the nutrients and fragrance bit by bit during 4 minutes steeping.  It holds the characteristic fragrance even after brewing, and hits the palate with a characteristic abstract note which lingers long after the sip is taken. Overall a rejuvenating morning tea.

Darjeeling First Flush Tea 2012 from Avongrove (Euphoria Supreme)

This is probably the best first flush tea available on this planet. The first flush from Avongrove Tea Estate is now available at The details of the tea is mentioned below Grade: Euphoria Supreme Description: Crispy whole slender rolled leaves with green and hints of silvering. The most aromatic among all the first flush of this season. Smell: Distinct First flush smell with the characteristics smell of Darjeeling’s unique aroma. Mellow and fruity which fills the entire senses lasting long even after sometime. Refreshing. Liqour: A fading light liqour got from a 3 - 6 min. steeping typical of the Spring Teas from the Queen of hill stations, which could easily be mistaken for a white tea. It holds the characteristic fragrance even after brewing, and is complimented by an equally more ambrosia like muscatel taste, which is perfect for as a breakfast tea, or as an afternoon tea, to rejuvenate the tired cells. Simply amazing; Credited undoubtedly ...

Darjeeling Green Tea From Rohini (First Flush 2012)

This First Flush 2012 Darjeeling Green Tea from Rohini Tea Estate is now available at The details of the tea is as follows Description: Strongly aromatic entwined organic leaves with agood mixture of greenish texture. Smell: Aromatic smell with a distinct characteristic Darjeeling Tea. Liquor: Light yellow-greenish liquor with a hint of trailing woodiness taste palatable to the senses. The very best of the Green so far of this Spring season. Brewing: Steeping advised from 2  to  2 & 1/2 minutes for a tea-spoon full for a cup at 70 degrees centigrade . Multiple infusions possible but the liquor loses its character after third and successive infusions.

Darjeeling Pearl Tea from Gopaldhara

This Darjeeling Pearl Tea from Gopaldhara, which is also a product of this Spring season is available at This tea comes under the category of Green Tea Description: Aromatic coppery entwined marble shaped organic leaves from a garden known for experimenting and producing better and new teas . Smell: Aromatic infused smell of woodiness. Liquor: Very light browinish liquor with mixture of woodiness and mellow flavour palatable to the senses. Brewing: Steeping advised from 4 & 1/2  to  6 & 1/2 minutes for three pearls for a cup. Multiple infusions possible. A good five infusions got from this pearl tea.

Darjeeling Tea First Flush Green Tea from Nagri

This first flush 2012 Darjeeling Green Tea from Nagri Tea Estate is now available at The details of the tea are mentioned below Description: Dark greenish hue predominant over hints of coppery  leaves. Smell: Infused smell of distinct characteristic Darjeeling Tea. Liquor: Light yellowish green liquor with a hint of trailing woody, brisk taste, typical of Darjeeling Spring Teas. Taste palatable to the senses. Amazingly the very best of the Green. Brewing: Steeping advised  2 & 1/2 minutes for a cup around 65 degree centigrade. Multiple infusions possible but the liquor loses its character after third and successive infusions. Final summary: This green tea is for those who have been complaining of light taste or tastelessness found occasionally in most greens. Refreshing, hints of bitterness like the Spring tea of Darjeeling. Muscatel.